Animals · September 20, 2021 0

10 Reasons Why Animals Are Actually Your Best Friends

Why are animal friends better than human friends?

Sometimes, relationships with humans are … well, complicated. Talk too little, and our human friends might think we’re hiding something. Talk too much, and we’re a bore. If we’re seen in public with a human friend’s significant other, it could get us in a lot of hot water. And of course, there’s trying to schedule time to see our human friends, or worse, putting up with their bratty kids while we’re trying to have a decent conversation over sushi.

Let’s face it; our real best friends are animals. Here’s why:

1. They’re happy to see you when you come home!

2. They get jealous of your other friends.

3. They do funny impressions of your bad dates.

4. They’ll watch all of your favorite TV shows with you.

5. They make great workout buddies!

6. They give you space when they know you’re not a morning person.

7. They’re great listeners.

8. They help you stick to your diet.

9. They’ll have a spa day with you when you feel like treating yourself.

10. They wait for you to come home safely every day.

– Dorra Claus